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LESS IS MORE (4) - LESS Skills Needed, LESS Operators Needed, LESS Errors, MORE Productivity

In this essay, we will continue to discuss how our sewing machines may help print companies achieve MORE production while dealing with LESS issues, particularly the alarming shortage of qualified seamstresses.

In the previous sections of the LESS IS MORE blog series, we discussed how we use the "LESS IS MORE" approach to assist our customers in dealing with industry-wide difficulties such as a shortage competent labor, high staff turnover, restricted manufacturing space, delayed delivery time, and so on.

In this essay, we will continue to discuss how our sewing machines may help print companies achieve MORE production while dealing with LESS issues, particularly the alarming shortage of qualified seamstresses.

Matic sewing machine series - The Cronos family is intended to handle the finishing process of digitally printed items such as SEGs, displays, banners, and flags. Cronos can be used to sew hems, double hams, keder (silicone or PVC), fastening tape, reinforcement tape, and other things.

Matic engineers worked hard to get down to the minutiae so that Cronos machines may be operated easily by a less experience operator while also being enough to reduce production time.

To Achieve Good Quality of a Sewing Job by a Standard by a Sewing Machine, A Seamstress Needs the Following Skills:

Different materials necessitate varying stitching speeds and thread tensions. A seamstress must devote substantial time and effort to being acquainted with and manipulating various fabrics with varying texture, flexibility, and thickness.

  • Adjust and maintain the cloth stretch based on the sewing head's running speed. This necessitates knowledge and focus. If one of these two fails, the seam will have waves, ruffles, or will not be straight.

  • Sewing the hem requires the ability to hold the folds together and make a flat hem of constant breadth. Some seamstresses would additionally measure and prefix the folds with needles to ensure that the proportions are consistent along the length.

  • Applying the Keder to the print is now significantly more difficult. The stretch levels and texturing of different keders vary. To obtain a flat seam, the Keder must be perfectly aligned with the fabric's edge.

Consider sewing a large-scale display; you can't afford to lose time or resources, let alone cause customer deliveries to be delayed. Reprints should be avoided at all costs!

Matics' Solution in Cronos Sewing Machines is to Replace these Skills by Automation

  • Configure the sewing parameters and save the program to be repeated automatically.

Once the settings (sewing speed, number of back tacks, thread tension, ker tension, and so on) for a particular task are defined, the program can be saved in the software. You may do the same job over and over again by using this application. This saves you trial-and-error setup time, aids in quality control, and ensures constant quality. Simply pressing the Keder button, for example, will immediately configure the system for this application!

If you have QR code for you print work, you may just scan the QR code to have the sewing software picked automatically.

  • Adherent conveyor belt that moves forward and backward automatically.

It is used to automatically move the fabric. The speed can be adjusted to match the running speed of the sewing needles. You do not need to be able to keep the cloth tension constant when stitching. It's even more advantageous in large format. The heavier the cloth, the more difficult it is to handle by hand. The puller device will substantially aid in the tracking and guiding of longer and heavier textiles.

In addition, a sensor on the conveyor belt table detects the end pf the cloth and slows the conveyor till it stops. The thread will then be severed automatically.

  • Keder feeding mechanism that is automatic

This mechanism is built into Cronos to automatically feed the Keder during stitching.

When you finish stitching on each side, the Keder will automatically be cut and advance to the beginning position, right under the needle, so you may sew the next seam.

To make SEGs, Keder must be sewed on all four sides. The flexibility of the cloth varies depending on whether it is warp or weft, necessitating a different Keder tension. Cronos has an electronically controlled pneumatic tensioner that allows you to change the stretch levels for each side of the fabric individually.

  • Individualized guidance with an air-supported funnel.

To achieve high-quality alignment and a flat seam, guides are created for each application.

A controlled and directed air jet moves the materials up to the desired spot, which is aligned with the guide.

The compressed air might also be utilised to conceal the threads of the material we are folding.

These guidelines are simple to edit, fast, and require no tools.

Guides are tailored to each application to make sewing hems, Keder, and fastening tapes easier while maintaining high-quality alignment and a level seam.

A controlled and directed air jet moves the materials up to the desired position, aligned with the guide

The compressed air might also be employed to conceal the threads of the material we're folding.

These guidelines are simple to alter, quick, and require no tools.

All these automations will enable you to run your business with less skilled operators. You will also need less operators due to the time saved by the continues sewing process.

Other time saving designs include automatic return of the fabric, automatic thread cutting, automatic Keder cutting when sewing is finished etc.

In addition, these functions can save more of your management time

  • Remote control of operations and remote support

You can have remote access to the machine screen and its manipulation from any PC, tablet, or mobile phone: view the machine status, consult or update data of the stored programs and groups, read traceability data, or supervise the production process.

In the same way, Matic engineers can connect to your machine remotely to resolve software incidents or production incidents. Once the machine has the internet access, your can choose whether you authorize access to it by activating or deactivating the function.

Automation also help you avoid possible human errors on wrong manipulation, loss of concentration, inputting wrong data manually etc.

Again, all these "LESS IS MORE" innovations have the same goal: for our customers to gain MORE productivity.

if you find these innovations are helpful and want to know more about the Cronos sewing machine family, click here:

Cronos 4.0: All round functions including industry 4.0 to achieve production traceability easily. The "prize for innovations" winner at Remadays Show in Poland.

Cronos Overlook: Specially designed to produce SEGs with an overlock stitch.

Cronos Go: More economic version for starting your production in-house.

For more information about MATIC, please contact our local Dynagraph representative.

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