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Addition of Kongsberg X20 Boosts Productivity & Diversity at Diamtric

Branding Specialists Passes on Cost Savings to Customers Following Efficiency - Driving Installation.

Removing Production Bottlenecks

Because the cut shop has always been a bit of a production bottleneck, Graham said, " we knew there was a need for new technology. Knowing how much we are actually capable of pushing through has been a revelation."

"There is always excitement when you get a new piece of equipment about how it will fit into the workflow process, but once the engineer came in to give the training, the machine has not stopped!"

Graham has worked for Diametric for 21 years. He began in sales and rose through the ranks before leading an MBO to the position of managing director in 2016. When we acquired the business, we were eager to invest in the manufacturing facility because there had not previously been much investment there, according to Graham. "Technology has advanced so quickly and far that when we finally decided to invest, we quickly realised a return on investment."

Its totally exceeded expectations, and really opened our eyes to the possibilities.

Efficient & Speedy

The immediate benefit, according to Graham, was the short setup time, especially for repeat order where programming can be recalled. The accelerated running time follows. We can also consider a higher yield on the sheet without being concerned about registration issues thanks to the X20's index cutting capability, where the only size restriction is the sheet.

"In the past, we would have had to cut the yield at a lower rate because we had to be aware that the cut needed to be accurate throughout the entire sheet. But we can make the most of our materials thanks to Kongsberg Automation.

The Cutting Table Allowed Diametric to Pass Cost Savings Along to Customers

As a result of our ability to complete jobs more quickly and cut more products from a single sheet, we are also able to lower costs for customers, he added. "Before Covid, we conducted a thorough secret shopper exercise and found that setup costs and toolings were proving to be problems. Many of those expenses have been eliminated since we brought in the Kongsberg.

We're already passing those savings along to our customers, which has allowed some people who don't have the same resources as majors global brands to now have the option of high quality branding on their products.

Flexibility & Diversity

Graham claimed that Diametric was able to branch out because of the Kongsberg X20's versatility. The Kongsberg allows us to use a wider selection of materials and also consider routing our products, he said. "Traditionally, we work primarily with plastics, such as 80-micron vinyl and polycarbonates."

"Our clientele views us as an inventive business. Therefore, a lot of product designers will call us when they are working on a project and want to include something special for the customer in order to find a solution.

We can now accept a wider range of materials to better serve our clients.

We have a remarkably diverse clientele, so we strive to satisfy their packaging, protective inserts, and any other needs we may discover. We are confident that by investing in this cutting edge technology, we can expand our company.

For more information about KONGSBERG MACHINES, please contact our local Dynagraph representatives.

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